This is part one of what I'm sure will be a multi part post. For those that could not attend today you missed out on a great day of food, fun, and games. We played Croquette, Leo won. We played Badminton, Kim and Monique won. and we played some horse-shoes, Matt Bogue won. All in all it was loads of fun and the weather was super cooperative.
I started running out of things to say about the pics so I will leave some of them blank and those that were there can edit in their own descriptions. Enjoy!!
Jen and Emberle enjoy a little conversation during the garden party today.
Ashton and Katrina have some yummy hot-dog for lunch to gain energy for a great day of playing
We're made up of young married couples, from newlyweds to couples going on 10+ years. We range in ages from early 20's to 30 somethings. If you don't have children or if you're expecting your 7th, you'll fit in here. We plan a lot of fun fellowship activities like BBQ's, ladies spa night, guys night, couples only events and a lot of family friendly activities. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:15 in room 25 for bible teaching, prayer and fellowship.
Upcomming Events
Jan.23rd-Sarah's pamper party/plan the years activities-5:00pm-Caroline's house
A good time was had by all. Thanks, MoJo!
I would have loved to have been there, but I did not want to give you my cold.
Wish we could have been there - can't wait until the next get together - looks like a GREAT time!
It was a blast! Even if Robin and I did lose at Badminton :( tee hee
I can't believe you guys all ate hot dogs without me!
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