If you look to the right you will see a list of coming events. While you may not see much detail there we will be sure to post any pertinent info here for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to check it out.
Hey guys, Matt and I havevn't been in Sunday school in a month so we're totally out of the loop. Can someone bring us any papers that we've missed like calendars or any info about events coming up and stuff. I saw the list but didn't know if there was anything else. Thanks guys, see you Sunday!
We're made up of young married couples, from newlyweds to couples going on 10+ years. We range in ages from early 20's to 30 somethings. If you don't have children or if you're expecting your 7th, you'll fit in here. We plan a lot of fun fellowship activities like BBQ's, ladies spa night, guys night, couples only events and a lot of family friendly activities. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:15 in room 25 for bible teaching, prayer and fellowship.
Upcomming Events
Jan.23rd-Sarah's pamper party/plan the years activities-5:00pm-Caroline's house
1 comment:
Hey guys,
Matt and I havevn't been in Sunday school in a month so we're totally out of the loop. Can someone bring us any papers that we've missed like calendars or any info about events coming up and stuff. I saw the list but didn't know if there was anything else. Thanks guys, see you Sunday!
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