Our Betty Crocker Cook-off was so much fun. Emberli brought twice baked potatoes with lots of yummy toppings and Michelle brought awesome garlic bread for the appetizers. Sarah grilled steaks and Kim made rice and a great chicken dish with pineapples for the main course. Even though Christine couldn't come she sent carmalitas for dessert. We had a relaxing time and enjoyed all the great food. The prizes were really cute gloves for the kitchen. Of course we had to model them. Even Lena got in on the action.
We're made up of young married couples, from newlyweds to couples going on 10+ years. We range in ages from early 20's to 30 somethings. If you don't have children or if you're expecting your 7th, you'll fit in here. We plan a lot of fun fellowship activities like BBQ's, ladies spa night, guys night, couples only events and a lot of family friendly activities. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:15 in room 25 for bible teaching, prayer and fellowship.
Upcomming Events
Jan.23rd-Sarah's pamper party/plan the years activities-5:00pm-Caroline's house
1 comment:
For some reason I can't see the pics - - - bummer :(
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