My favorite day of the year was made so much better by having so many friends to spend it with. The potluck was really yummy and it was fun getting to see so many friends. The Christmas tree farm was so fun. The day was perfect with blue skies and sunshine. Can't wait for next year.
Patricia and Alexis snuggle together before the Christmas tree farm.

Alex, Elyse and Chase

Chris and Bekah

Jen reads a book to Payton and Luke

The Boyd clan

the Williams

Flying Baby


It was a fun time- I have some good pics of others too I should post! Good pictures Sarah - thanks for posting them!
We had a great time too. My tree looks fabulous. (Most of the ornaments move from the tree to the floor daily. And back again.) Titus stepped on a ornament with a pin decoration and it entered the flesh of his foot. I had to pull it out. Yikes.
by the way My Favorite Doctor has his picture in the paper.
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