Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Prayer Request for Jen's Mom


Jen's mom went down to Stanford this evening. They still aren't exactly when her surgery will be, but either Firday or Saturday. Jen is probably going down there with here dad tomorrow. They had a hard time finding a vein for the IV last night, so she's tired of being poked at and sitting around, but she's doing very well. She is a very strong lady. She once was admitted to the ICU and walked in under her own power. The doctors had never seen this before. This was many years ago, when she first had heart problems. Please continue to pray that the procedure will go without complication.

Jen's mom went to the emergency room tonight. She was scheduled to have surgery later this month for some pacemaker matinence, but there were some issues the last few days and they are moving the surgery up to tomorrow. She is as Kaiser tonight and I believe will be heading down to Standford tomorrow. She's doing fine now, but just pray that everything works out ok. Thanks.



Stephanie said...

Andy and Jen,

We are praying for you all! Please let your mom know she is in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if you need anything.


Stephanie said...

Andy - thanks for the update - we are praying!