Thursday, August 24, 2006

Camping List

As promised here is the list of who is bringing what for the potluck on Saturday night:

hamburgers and buns = leo & Kim/Josh & Christine

Hot Dogs and Buns = Matt and Robin/Dan and Michelle

Fruit Salad = Chris and Sarah

Appetizers = Peter & Patricia (chips and dips)/Jeremy and Stephanie

Side Dish = John and Monique/Mike and Leslie (potato salad)

Dessert = Mat and Emberli (4 Pies)/Andy and Jen (brownie dish)

You provide your own drinks.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday night!


Peter Brown said...

Hey... we're the only ones without names!!!

Where just 'Browns'

What's up with that? :)

Ando said...

Indeed, where are the just Browns?

Peter Brown said...

Curse my stupid brain and fat fingers!!!

Peter Brown said...

Chris fixed it and voided my point... What was my point again?