Thursday, July 05, 2007


Alright fellas, I've got the perfect idea for a Mens' Activity. It involves all things us real men enjoy: comraderie, sweat, dirt, backbreaking labor. All that which makes us better than girls. If this sounds like your idea of a good time, well, you're a very sick individual. But if you want to help a brother out and don't mind a little of that which makes us better than girls, give me a call for some dirt-digging good times this Saturday morning. Lunch and plenty of water will be provided, of course. Also, I promise not to bug anybody for help for the two Saturday's after this one. Mostly because I'll be out of town.

When: Saturday, July 7, starting sometime between 9 AM and 10 AM
What: Earth moving
Where: Andy's house
Bring: Gloves, shovel, maybe a wheelbarrow, love of the out of doors

If you think you may show up call or email and let me know. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to go walking this fri is anybody else going?

Yeah yeah i know this is a comment to andy's clean my yard posts but blogger isn't letting me do my own post for some reason.

by the way andy, your clean my yard posts brings alot more help than my clean my bathroom post. Perhaps its the promise of pizza.... or the suggestion that real men do that sort of thing.
